6 Common Crystals You Can Find in Your Backyard

Discover the treasures hidden beneath your feet with common crystals you can find in your backyard, such as quartz, calcite, mica, and more.

Crystals You Can Find in Your Backyard

Can You Find Valuable Crystals in Your Backyard?

Many people don’t realize that a treasure trove of beautiful crystals and minerals can potentially be found right in their own backyards. With a bit of digging in the dirt and peering into rocks, you may be able to uncover gorgeous specimens like quartz, calcite, mica, and more that have formed naturally close to home.

In this blog post, we'll cover some of the most common backyard crystals and where to look for them. Crystals start forming when minerals slowly precipitate out of solutions over hundreds or thousands of years. Tectonic movements and changes in temperature and pressure cause crystals to take shape in rocks, sediments, and even shells. Knowing the geological history of your area can help you identify what crystals you may find locally.

We'll go over common gemstones and crytals like quartz, calcite, pyrite, garnet, feldspar, obsidian, and mica – what their characteristics are and where they are more likely to be found. With some patience and curiosity, you can find amazing examples of these crystals weathering out of rock formations, in gravel and soil, and elsewhere on your property. Who knows what amazing formations you can unearth?

So grab a magnifying glass, shovel, and container and let's start exploring your backyard to uncover gorgeous, hidden crystals and sparkling minerals waiting to be found! The treasures we can discover so close to home can be truly dazzling.

These Common Crystals Could be in Your Backyard


Quartz is one of the most abundant crystals on the planet: and one you can likely find in your own backyard. Made up of silicon and oxygen (silicon dioxide), quartz forms in rocks in various colors, across many different environments. Look for it weathering out of granite, shale, sandstone or limestone deposits. Quartz has a classic clear, glassy appearance and comes in crystal points, clusters, or masses. Varieties to look for include:

  • Rock crystal – Clear, colorless quartz
  • Amethyst – Purple variety of quartz
  • Rose quartz – Pink variety of quartz 
  • Citrine – Yellow to orange quartz
  • Smoky quartz – Gray to brown quartz


Calcite is a common calcium carbonate mineral that crystallizes in sedimentary rocks such as limestone and dolomite. Check gravel made from crushed limestone or pick through seashells where calcite crystals often form. Calcite grows in crystal formations like columns, scalenohedrons, and rhombohedrons. Look for calcite in white, yellow, orange, pink or even blue varieties.


Mica is a sheet silicate mineral found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. Look closely in schist, gneiss, granite, or rocks with mica flakes visible. Muscovite mica is clear while biotite mica is black. The thin sheets can peel off in layers. Mica “books” form when sheets are stacked together.


Fool's gold, pyrite, is an iron sulfide mineral that crystallizes in cubes, pyritohedrons, or nodules. Its brassy, yellowish metallic color gives it a gold-like appearance. Pyrite needs iron to form, so check shale, coal, or other iron-rich sediments. It often sticks out from a rock's surface.


Obsidian is volcanic glass, not a true mineral, but it can contain crystals. It forms when lava or molten rock cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. Look for shiny black obsidian in old lava beds or near volcanically active (or formerly active) areas. You may find rounded nodules or jagged chunks of this natural glass. You can also find other kinds of volcanic rocks, like porous lava rock. Obsidian and lava rock are commonly found in the Southwestern United States. 


The feldspar group includes tectosilicate minerals like orthoclase, plagioclase, and others. Granite, pegmatite, and gneiss commonly contain feldspar crystals. Look for pink, white, or gray blocky crystals, sometimes in glassy formations. Cleavage planes meet at 90 degree angles.


Garnet is a silicate mineral that crystallizes in cubic forms in metamorphic rocks like shale, schist, and gneiss. The deep red color comes from iron. Garnet also comes in other colors like yellow, brown, and green. Look in sedimentary or metamorphic rocks near you.

With patience and sharp eyes, you can uncover amazing crystal treasures in your own backyard. Use a rock hammer, chisel, or shovel to split open promising rocks or break apart sediments. See what dazzling crystals, with natural geometric shapes and brilliant colors you can unearth close to home.

Factors Influencing Crystal Presence

Soil Composition

The makeup of the soil in a particular region plays a pivotal role in determining the types of gems and mineral specimens that can be found there. Soil is not just the dirt we see; it's a complex matrix formed from the breakdown of rocks, organic matter decay, and various physical and chemical processes.

Sandy Soils: Comprising mainly sand particles, these soils are often the result of the weathering of rocks like granite. They might be rich in quartz, given that sand is essentially tiny fragments of quartz. The well-draining nature of sandy soils means water-soluble minerals may be less common here.

Clayey Soils: This type of soil has finer particles and tends to retain water. Feldspar, which decomposes to form clay minerals, might be present, as well as mica which gives the soil a slightly shiny appearance when viewed at certain angles.

Loamy Soils: An ideal mixture of sand, silt, and clay, loamy soils can host a range of minerals, depending on the rock sources they originated from and their specific environmental history.

Geological History

The story of the land plays out in the rocks and minerals that are present. Each region has a unique  narrative, shaped by millions of years of tectonic movements, volcanic activities, erosional forces, and sedimentary processes.

Volcanic Terrains: These are birthplaces of igneous rocks. Obsidian, a volcanic glass, might be found in such areas. Pumice, basalt, olivine (peridot), and varieties of quartz like amethyst can also be linked to volcanic activity.

Sedimentary Environments: Places where ancient seas, lakes, or rivers once flowed can be rich in sedimentary rocks. Calcite, formed from the skeletal fragments of marine organisms, is commonly found here. Gypsum and halite (rock salt) might also form in evaporative environments.

Metamorphic Regions: Areas subjected to intense heat and pressure might have metamorphic rocks. Crystals like garnet, kyanite, and staurolite can be found in these zones.

Human Activity

Over the ages, human beings have altered landscapes in significant ways. Every time the earth's surface is dug up or moved, there's a potential to reveal what's hidden beneath.

Mining: Intentional digging to extract valuable minerals or fuels can expose a multitude of popular gemstones and crystals. Even abandoned mines can be a treasure trove, though one should always exercise caution and seek necessary permissions before exploring such areas.

Construction: Urban development often requires extensive excavation. This disturbance can bring to the surface buried geological formations and their associated minerals.

Agricultural Activities: Tilling, plowing, and other agricultural practices can sometimes churn up stones and crystals from deeper layers of the soil to the surface.

River and Stream Erosion: Human activities that alter the course or flow of water bodies like creek beds, streams, and river beds can lead to erosion, which may expose buried rocks and minerals.

When exploring any area, it's vital to remember that the presence of specific crystals isn't guaranteed. Each patch of land has its unique history and composition and can vary greatly, with even small changes in geographical location and geology. 

Exploring Beyond Your Backyard: Prime Locations for Crystal Digging

Crystal hunting is an adventurous activity that merges the joys of exploration with the thrill of discovery. While your backyard is a perfect place to start, numerous locations worldwide offer promising grounds for finding crystals and other unique and interesting surprises. Here's where you can take your hunt to the next level:

Quarries and Mines

What to Expect: Many active and abandoned quarries and mines allow public access for a fee. These sites often yield a wide variety of minerals.

Famous Locations:

Herkimer, New York: Renowned for its double-terminated quartz, also known as “Herkimer Diamonds.”

Franklin, New Jersey: Famous for fluorescent minerals like willemite and franklinite.

Riverbeds and Stream Banks

What to Expect: Moving water erodes the land, revealing stones, minerals, and crystals. Rivers can be especially rich in quartz, fossils, and and other resistant minerals.

Famous Locations:

The Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas: Known for clear quartz crystals.

Gem Mountain, North Carolina: Source of aquamarine, garnet, and moonstone among others.


What to Expect: Deserts, with their eroded landscapes and dry conditions, are great places to find geodes, meteorites, and various sun-baked crystals. Often, with a little practice, you'll be able to find crystals and colorful gemstones hiding in plain sight.

Famous Locations:

Mojave Desert, California: Home to jasper, agates, and geodes.

Namib Desert, Namibia: Known for its quartz varieties and other unique formations.


What to Expect: Mountainous regions, especially those with a history of volcanic activity or significant metamorphism, can house a myriad of crystals.

Famous Locations:

The Alps, Europe: Sources of quartz varieties and even rare blue garnets.

Ural Mountains, Russia: Famous for malachite, alexandrite, and other precious gems.


What to Expect: The constant action of waves sorts minerals by density and size. Beaches, especially those near cliffs or rocky areas, can be good places to find agates, jaspers, and even amber.

Famous Locations:

Oregon Coast, USA: Renowned for its agates and jasper.

Baltic Sea Coast: One of the best places in the world to find amber.

Public Dig Sites

What to Expect: Some places, realizing their potential as crystal treasure troves, have opened their lands to the public for digging. For a fee, you're given access and sometimes even tools to hunt for crystals. The best part of these is that they are areas known for being rich in specific crystals: so there's a good chance that you'll be able to find some. For these reason, a public dig site is often the best way to hunt for crystals if you are a beginner. 

Famous Locations:

Emerald Hollow Mine, North Carolina: The only public emerald mine in the world, also yields garnets and aquamarines.

Royal Peacock Opal Mine, Nevada: Offers the public a chance to dig for black opals.

Caves and Geothermal Regions

What to Expect: Areas with significant underground geothermal activity can produce a variety of unique crystals.

Famous Locations:

Naica Mine, Mexico: Home to the Giant Crystal Cave with enormous selenite formations.

Rotorua, New Zealand: Geothermal areas with deposits of colorful silica.


Always get permissions: Before you start digging, ensure you have the required permissions. Trespassing on private property or protected lands can lead to legal issues. It's also illegal to remove anything (rocks or otherwise) from national and state parks. Always know where you're looking and what the rules for that location are.

Safety First: Some areas can be treacherous. Wear protective gear, stay aware of your surroundings, and always let someone know where you're going.

Respect the Environment: It's essential to maintain the natural beauty of places. Practice “Leave No Trace” principles to minimize your impact. Additionally, if you dig any holes, be sure to fill them back in, so that the next person doesn't trip and injure themselves.

Essential Tips and Information for Aspiring Crystal Hunters

Basic Tools of the Trade:

Geology Hammer: Sturdier than a regular hammer, it's used to break open rocks and geodes.

Sieve or Classifier: Helps separate dirt from stones when sifting in riverbeds.

Hand Lens or Magnifying Glass: Useful for closely examining potential finds.

Field Guide: A guidebook on minerals and crystals can help identify your discoveries.

Safety Goggles: Protect your eyes from flying debris.

Sturdy Gloves: Protect your hands from sharp rocks and tools.

Backpack: To carry necessary tools and collected specimens.

Hand shovel: A small shovel to move things out of the way, or help you dig out a partially-buried rock or crystal

The more you learn about geology and mineralogy, the more successful your hunts will be. Consider taking a basic geology course online or at a local college.

Joining a local rockhounding or gem and mineral club can provide valuable insights, and these groups often organize field trips.


Always ensure you have permission to collect on any land, whether private or public.

Follow the “Leave No Trace” principle: Fill any holes you dig, don't leave trash, and minimize disturbances to the environment.

Respect any limits on collecting quantities. Some areas may have limits to protect resources.

Preservation and Display:

Once you've found crystals, learn how to clean and store them properly. Some can be delicate and might degrade if not handled with care.

Displaying your finds can be a rewarding way to showcase your efforts. Invest in display cabinets or cases to show off your most prized specimens.


Besides safety goggles, consider wearing a hard hat in any rocky area where there's a risk of falling debris, or if you will be breaking rocks with a hammer.

Stay hydrated, especially in desert or high-altitude regions.

If you're in unfamiliar territory, bring a GPS or a compass to prevent getting lost. Always inform someone where you're going and when you expect to return.

Crystal Hunting FAQs

No, it isn't. National parks, protected areas, and certain public lands often prohibit collecting. Always check the regulations of the area you're in and seek permission where needed.

Do I need a permit to collect crystals?

In many places, especially on public lands, you might need a permit for collecting. The rules vary by location, so always research and adhere to local guidelines.

Are all crystals valuable?

While all crystals might hold personal or aesthetic value, not all have significant monetary value. Factors such as rarity, size, clarity, and color determine a crystal's market worth.

How can I tell if what I found is a genuine crystal and not just glass or another material?

There are various tests, such as hardness tests and streak tests, but for beginners, a field guide or consulting with an expert can be the most helpful.

Is rockhounding the same as crystal hunting?

They're closely related. Rockhounding is a broader hobby encompassing the collection of rocks, minerals, fossils, and gems, while crystal hunting specifically focuses on crystals.

Can I sell the crystals I find?

Maybe. If they were found on property you own, it's most likely legal to sell them, but the value will depend on the quality and specific type of crystal. Some collectors or jewelry makers might be interested in purchasing raw or unprocessed crystals. If you found them on public land, you will need to check into the specific rules governing that land: but you most likely are not able to sell, trade, or barter with them. This is a common rule for Bureau of Land Management (BLM) owned land.

Are some crystals dangerous to handle?

While most crystals are safe, there are minerals that can release toxic substances when broken or powdered. Always handle unknown specimens with care and avoid inhaling dust.

How do I clean my found crystals?

Cleaning methods vary by crystal type. Some can be washed with water, while others might require specific solutions. Research the best cleaning methods for each crystal to avoid damage.

What's the best time of year for crystal hunting?

It depends on the location. In general, post-rainy seasons can reveal new specimens, and cooler months can be more comfortable for hunting, especially in areas that get extremely hot in summer. Be sure to heed any local safety ordinances or recommendations posted by the land management company or owner.

I'm a beginner. Where should I start?

Join a local rockhounding or gem club, invest in a good field guide, and consider visiting public dig sites or mines that allow visitors. These sites can provide a great introduction to the hobby.

Additional Tips for Crystal Enthusiasts

Start Small: If you're new to crystal hunting, don't feel the need to travel far and wide immediately. Start with local areas, even your own backyard, to hone your skills.

Documentation: Consider keeping a journal of your finds. Note the date, location, type of crystal (if known), and any other observations. This can be a fun way to track your progress and discoveries over time.

Networking: Connect with experienced crystal hunters and geologists. They can offer invaluable insights, tips, and might know about lesser-known spots to explore.

Travel Considerations: If you decide to travel to hunt for crystals, always check the local customs regulations, especially when moving between countries. Some nations have strict rules about exporting natural resources, including crystals.

Staying Updated: The world of crystals is vast, and new discoveries are made regularly. Stay updated with the latest news, research, and trends in the mineralogy world.

Educate Others: Share your passion! Educate friends and family about the wonders of crystals. Hosting a small “show and tell” of your collection can be a fun way to engage others.

Crystals You Can Find in Your Backyard

From the depths of our backyards to vast landscapes around the world, the quest for crystals is an age-old pursuit that marries the beauty of nature with the thrill of discovery. As we've delved into the world of crystal hunting, it becomes evident that this activity is more than just a hobby—it's a journey into the heart of our planet's history, a testament to nature's intricate artistry, and an opportunity for personal growth and connection.

Whether you're drawn to the shimmering allure of crystals, their purported healing properties, or the scientific wonders they represent, there's a facet of this hobby to resonate with everyone. So, the next time you're outdoors, take a moment to look down. With a little effort and a keen eye, you might just stumble upon nature's hidden treasures, waiting to tell their billion-year-old tales. Embrace the adventure, the learning, and the serendipity of each find, and may your crystal hunting endeavors always sparkle with excitement.

Not the Digging Type?

If you'd prefer not to dig (or didn't find what you were looking for), check out the large selection of hand-selected crystals available at Mooncat Crystals:

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Mooncat Crystals offers a wide selection of high quality crystals from around the world. Browse our hundreds of in-stock pieces and find your next favorite crystal now!

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